
    Exhibition at 8B2 Curated by Fatimah Hameed

    Written by: Muhammad Hamza
    Posted on: September 13, 2024 | | 中文

    Usama Bin Murad

    In this week’s episode, a gallery tucked away on the outskirts of Islamabad by the name of 8B2, and run by Fatimah Hameed, hosted four artists. Surrounded by wilderness and a lot of greenery, she has converted one of her chicken sheds into a contemporary, minimal barn-like gallery with large windows that open onto a vegetable farm that surrounds her home. The gallery is kept minimal with white-painted bricks and a basic floor, with a barn door leading outdoors. Daylight wanders freely in the space, optimizing the exhibition experience to a whole different level.

    Usama Bin Murad

    Fatimah Hameed is a pioneer from the National College of Arts (NCA), Lahore, who started off her journey as a painter on silk. After her education in miniature art, she has been working as a craftswoman and a teacher in her earlier life, hosting local Pakistani artists at her gallery space.

    In this exhibition, she has curated a wide range of furniture, artists, photography and paintings. The included artists are as follows: Ilona Atelier is one of the frequently liked interior designers who has worked with dyed fabric lamps and raw wooden blocks as base materials. These elements certainly uplift the vintage look of a side table or corner. As shown in the visual, the pleasing design of the lamp is inspired by modern art, while still holding a strong vintage appeal.

    Ilona has worked on embossing floral patterns on the bases of her chairs or tables in red and sea green hues, which are quite rare to see nowadays. The imprints on wood with color give a Victorian-style furniture feel that brings a subtle, soft energy to the room. The red hue of the flowers captures the eye instantly, making it more appealing.

    Ilona Atelier

    Usama Bin Murad is another furniture designer showcased in this group exhibition. He has explored mosaic work on wood with finesse, creating polished pieces with intricate details, from tables to stools and more. These pieces hold a particular grace with soft mosaic work embedded in the large wooden tops.

    Usama has also worked on lounge furniture with short-heighted tables and matte black steel holdings, reflecting an industrial design. The stools are rounded with a neat finish and polish, adding color to the room. His works exhibit a fusion between mosaic and industrial design wooden structures, making them art pieces in their own right.

    Usama Bin Murad

    Renaissance Nest of Tables is one of his signature style pieces, including three different sizes that fit under each other to save space for storing them in the corner and can later be used accordingly. The polished finish is a breathtaking center of attention in a lounge.

    Renaissance Nest of Tables by Usama Bin Murad

    Ali Zaidi, a thinker and visual artist working abroad, has been inspired by nature and compiled a directory of photographs and watercolor paintings. He fuses them with pastels and color pencils, creating unique colored palette drawings of tree barks. The elements in his style of paintings allow viewers to immerse themselves in a visual nostalgia.

    Zaidi has been working around London, observing the greens around his habitat. His love for flowers has always drawn him, leading him to paint in watercolors and create a unique texture. His approach has a soft, surreal quality with vivid colors and pastels applied like maladaptive textures.

    First mist of the fall by Ali Zaidi

    The landscapes painted by Ali feature a soft blur in the background, with a wash of light-toned colors and a focus on the flower or tree trunk as the highlight, as if it has been photographed. The weary strokes resemble impressions. His prints of photography are in detailed achromatic appearances, drawing viewers into an abyss of nostalgia.

    Haveli Craft & Barcode hand-spun and woven table mats and fabrics have been intricately woven for delicate dinner table curations, perfect and long-lasting. Barcode has been producing organic soaps for better hygiene and peak scents, which do not harm the skin or environment. They have crafted a wide range of different kinds of soaps.

    The entire space has hosted a unique blend of artists, ranging from wood crafts to hand-crafted cloths, creating a beautiful home. These artists are seasoned in their unique style of crafting and express their love for different mediums in the best possible way. It’s absolutely a marvelous experience that can’t be missed over the weekend.

    As the new year begins, let us also start anew. I’m delighted to extend, on behalf of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and in my own name, new year’s greeting and sincere wishes to YOULIN magazine’s staff and readers.

    Only in hard times can courage and perseverance be manifested. Only with courage can we live to the fullest. 2020 was an extraordinary year. Confronted by the COVID-19 pandemic, China and Pakistan supported each other and took on the challenge in solidarity. The ironclad China-Pakistan friendship grew stronger as time went by. The China Pakistan Economic Corridor projects advanced steadily in difficult times, become a standard-bearer project of the Belt and Road Initiative in balancing pandemic prevention and project achievement. The handling capacity of the Gwadar Port has continued to rise and Afghanistan transit trade through the port has officially been launched. The Karakoram Highway Phase II upgrade project is fully open to traffic. The Lahore Orange Line project has been put into operation. The construction of Matiari-Lahore HVDC project was fully completed. A batch of green and clean energy projects, such as the Kohala and Azad Pattan hydropower plants have been substantially promoted. Development agreement for the Rashakai SEZ has been signed. The China-Pakistan Community of Shared Future has become closer and closer.

    Reviewing the past and looking to the future, we are confident to write a brilliant new chapter. The year 2021 is the 100th birthday of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan. The 100-year journey of CPC surges forward with great momentum and China-Pakistan relationship has flourished in the past 70 years. Standing at a new historic point, China is willing to work together with Pakistan to further implement the consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, connect the CPEC cooperation with the vision of the “Naya Pakistan”, promote the long-term development of the China-Pakistan All-weather Strategic Cooperative Partnership with love, dedication and commitment. Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founding father of Pakistan said, “We are going through fire. The sunshine has yet to come.” Yes, Pakistan’s best days are ahead, China will stand with Pakistan firmly all the way.

    YOULIN magazine is dedicated to promoting cultural exchanges between China and Pakistan and is a window for Pakistani friends to learn about China, especially the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. It is hoped that with the joint efforts of China and Pakistan, YOULIN can listen more to the voices of readers in China and Pakistan, better play its role as a bridge to promote more effectively people-to-people bond.

    Last but not least, I would like to wish all the staff and readers of YOULIN a warm and prosper year in 2021.

    Nong Rong Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of
    The People’s Republic of China to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
    January 2021