
    Let There Be Light: A Look At How Lighting Affects Architecture

    Written by: Saram Maqbool
    Posted on: August 15, 2024 |

    The Louvre Pyramid shines bright at night, highlighting the contrast between its structural lightness and the heaviness of the structures surrounding it.

    When it comes to good architecture, there are various intangible elements that make up the experience of a building. It's not just the walls you see, the textures you feel and the view you have access to. One of the most significant aspects of architectural design that often goes unnoticed is lighting. For centuries, architects have used light in a multitude of creative ways to breathe life into the structures they design. Louis Kahn once famously said, “The sun never knew how great it was until it hit the side of a building”. This makes sense to me when I think of light as something that also needs to interact with an external factor to be appreciated properly.

    Before any of this though, lighting has a functional role in buildings and public spaces. Primarily, lighting ensures that spaces are usable and safe. Well-designed lighting improves visibility, supports various activities, and promotes comfort. For example, task lighting in offices reduces eye strain and increases productivity, while appropriate lighting in public spaces ensures safety and security. Beyond its practical uses, light can significantly alter the appearance of a building and its interiors. It can highlight architectural features, create shadows and contrasts, and contribute to a space's mood and atmosphere. Lighting can transform a mundane structure into a captivating visual experience, making it a powerful tool.

    Light can also be used as a tangible design element, enhancing spaces and giving them new meaning as the time of the day changes.

    Beyond its functional use, lighting also affects human emotions and behaviors. Bright, warm lighting can create a sense of warmth and hospitality, while cool, dim lighting can evoke calm and relaxation. Architects use lighting to shape how occupants feel within a space, influencing everything from mood to behavior. Light is actually one of the key features in religious spaces such as mosques and churches, because it has such a significant impact on how a user feels. The right kind of light flooding into a religious space can evoke a sense of calm and spiritual awakening, whereas fitting the ceilings with endless rows of artificial light makes the same space look dull and almost without feeling.

    Church of Light by Tadao Ando is a great example of how light can dictate the ambience of a religious space

    Le Corbusier's Chapel of Notre Dame du Haut in Ronchamp is renowned for its innovative use of natural light. The chapel features irregularly shaped windows that allow shafts of light to penetrate the thick concrete walls, creating a spiritual and contemplative atmosphere inside. The varying sizes and placements of the windows ensure a dynamic interplay of light and shadow throughout the day, enhancing the sacred experience for visitors.

    The windows in Chapel of Notre Dame du Haut flood into the space in the form of beams, creating an awe-inspiring atmosphere.

    There are numerous other examples where architects have creatively used light as part of the design. The Louvre Pyramid in Paris, designed by I.M. Pei, is an iconic example of how light can be used to dramatic effect in architecture. During the day, the glass and metal structure allows natural light to flood the underground lobby, creating a bright and welcoming entrance to the museum. At night, the pyramid is illuminated from within, transforming it into a glowing beacon that highlights the juxtaposition of modern and classical elements.

    Another masterclass in the use of light is the Seattle Central Library, designed by Rem Koolhaas and Joshua Prince-Ramus. The building’s glass façade allows natural light to pour into the interior spaces, reducing the need for artificial lighting and providing a visual connection to the outside world. Inside, a series of atriums and light wells ensure that even the deepest parts of the building receive natural light, creating an open and inviting environment. This is an excellent example of how architects can maximize natural light in the most functional of ways, while also relying on it to give deeper meaning to space.

    The Seattle Central Library uses light to connect the inside of the building to the outside by highlighting the transparency of the structure.

    On the other end of the spectrum, Ryue Nishizawa’s design for the Teshima Art Museum in Japan, uses natural light to create a profound sensory experience. The museum features a single, flowing concrete shell with two oval openings that allow light, wind, and rain to enter the space. This seamless integration of the natural elements with the architecture blurs the boundaries between inside and outside, creating a meditative environment where visitors can engage deeply with art and nature.

    The design for the Teshima Art Museum is an example of how light can be used to draw people in and offer them a contemplative experience

    Light is an indispensable element in architecture, influencing functionality, aesthetics, and emotional responses. It’s something that, unfortunately, a lot of architects still don’t utilize in their designs, focusing more on textures and materials. These elements are also important, of course, but when they are made to collaborate with light in a certain way, a building can be turned from just another bright and well-lit structure to a place that lures people in and gives them a reason to stay. When we start thinking about light as a fundamental element of design rather than an afterthought, we can build spaces that are more emotional. And we do need more spaces like that, especially in Pakistan, to combat the ever-increasing population of structures that don’t seem to have any character or creative thought behind them.

    As the new year begins, let us also start anew. I’m delighted to extend, on behalf of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and in my own name, new year’s greeting and sincere wishes to YOULIN magazine’s staff and readers.

    Only in hard times can courage and perseverance be manifested. Only with courage can we live to the fullest. 2020 was an extraordinary year. Confronted by the COVID-19 pandemic, China and Pakistan supported each other and took on the challenge in solidarity. The ironclad China-Pakistan friendship grew stronger as time went by. The China Pakistan Economic Corridor projects advanced steadily in difficult times, become a standard-bearer project of the Belt and Road Initiative in balancing pandemic prevention and project achievement. The handling capacity of the Gwadar Port has continued to rise and Afghanistan transit trade through the port has officially been launched. The Karakoram Highway Phase II upgrade project is fully open to traffic. The Lahore Orange Line project has been put into operation. The construction of Matiari-Lahore HVDC project was fully completed. A batch of green and clean energy projects, such as the Kohala and Azad Pattan hydropower plants have been substantially promoted. Development agreement for the Rashakai SEZ has been signed. The China-Pakistan Community of Shared Future has become closer and closer.

    Reviewing the past and looking to the future, we are confident to write a brilliant new chapter. The year 2021 is the 100th birthday of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan. The 100-year journey of CPC surges forward with great momentum and China-Pakistan relationship has flourished in the past 70 years. Standing at a new historic point, China is willing to work together with Pakistan to further implement the consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, connect the CPEC cooperation with the vision of the “Naya Pakistan”, promote the long-term development of the China-Pakistan All-weather Strategic Cooperative Partnership with love, dedication and commitment. Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founding father of Pakistan said, “We are going through fire. The sunshine has yet to come.” Yes, Pakistan’s best days are ahead, China will stand with Pakistan firmly all the way.

    YOULIN magazine is dedicated to promoting cultural exchanges between China and Pakistan and is a window for Pakistani friends to learn about China, especially the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. It is hoped that with the joint efforts of China and Pakistan, YOULIN can listen more to the voices of readers in China and Pakistan, better play its role as a bridge to promote more effectively people-to-people bond.

    Last but not least, I would like to wish all the staff and readers of YOULIN a warm and prosper year in 2021.

    Nong Rong Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of
    The People’s Republic of China to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
    January 2021