Written by: Xinhua News Agency
Posted on: October 17, 2018 | | 中文
Shanxi Taigu Pastry
Taigu, a county located in the central Shanxi Province of China, known as one of the originating sites of Jin-Merchants Culture, is in possession of over 100 Intangible Cultural Heritages; traditional opera music, traditional herbal medicine, martial arts and recreation, handcraftsmanship, food specialties, Shehuo (a kind of local festive activity) and many others. Tourists to Taigu are impressed by its vigor and charm, brought about by the abundant local cultural heritages.
Shanxi Guangyuyuan’s Traditional Chinese Medicine Co Ltd. is a 476-year old pharmaceutical producer of a number of traditional Chinese herbal medicines including “Guilingji” (Longevity Combo), “Dingkun Dan” (a herbal bolus especially for diseases faced by women) and Bezoar Chest Functioning Pill, all of which have been enlisted in the National Intangible Cultural Heritages. The first sight one catches while stepping into the production area is the “dinosaur egg”-like materials, wrapped with mud, which turn out to be the raw material of ginger charcoal. The proper procedures are taken as follows: dried shredded gingers are firstly put into the wok with a lid, which is covered and tightened around with an iron wire. Mud is then spread outside the wok surface and it is baked for 24 hours over the hand-made stove, after which the mud completely dries out. It is said that there are 24 inheritors of the intangible heritage in this factory, who strictly follow the traditional procedures of making Chinese traditional medicines.
Xingyi Quan (traditional Chinese Boxing), Tai Chi Quan and Bagua Quan (traditional Chinese Boxing) are well-known as the “Most Important Four Martial Arts of Ancient China,” among which Xingyi Quan originated at the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty in Taigu, of Shanxi Province. Its practicability and wide acceptance have enabled it to be included in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List. Now there are 5 different schools widely learnt by Martial Arts followers from both home and abroad. Since 1980s, three to four hundred foreign students from countries like US, Russia, Japan and France have learned the Xingyi Quan here in Taigu.
Ever since 2009, Xingyi Quan has become popular among students of middle and primary schools. About 20 schools have their own Xingyi Quan trainers to teach more than 20,000 students, which surprises visitors coming from afar.
Speaking of specialties of Taigu, one can’t miss the Taigu Pastry. With its crispiness and softness, it first appeared during the time of Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty, and it also featured in the Intangible Cultural Heritages List of Shanxi Province due to its unique traditional handcraftsmanship.
“What’s more important than keeping its original ingredients is innovation,” said Li Junwei, General Manager of Bingxin Ji Food Co. Ltd of Taigu. In order to meet the people’s needs in pursuing a healthy lifestyle, the company produces some popular new types of pastries with sugarless or salty flavors, and some even with Chinese date jam inside, apart from the traditional sweet flavor.
The reporter saw visitors who came to the company’s factory and not only bought the products, but also took a tour of the production line and learned how to make Taigu Pastry with their kids. It is said that every year, about 20,000 kids come here to learn how to make pastry.
“It is good for people, especially kids, to take a closer look at our Intangible Cultural Heritages,” said Li. He also said that they are considering launching paper-cutting projects, so that people can take their pastry-making process back home, by cutting the whole process out on paper.
Translated by Yang Jing
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